Lyceum — awalvie


Vishesh or awalvie as he likes to call himself on the internet currently works as a Software Engineer @ Zivid. His weekends start with a nice

mkdir super_awesome_project

and end with a keyboard banging

rm -rf ./super_awesome_project

He's developed a fatal attraction to coffee, books writing and art over his adult life, indulges in some photography when the mood strikes and sucks at bouldering.


This site is inspired by Devine Lu Linvega's XXIIVV and shares the same purpose to collate and interconnect information so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.

The site is built using go-blender a lightweight static site generator written in Go. The wiki is hosted via Github Pages.

There are no analytics on the wiki. I don't like being tracked and I don't think you do either. All content hosted on this site is available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. All source for this site is available under MIT on GitHub.


Get in touch via /email or on /mastodon